GIVE 15$, GET 15$
Share to stoke with your friends and family! By joining our new Loyalty Program, you’ll unlock exclusive perks and advantages, such as our referral program. Subscribe now and start gathering points for your next adventure!
For all details regarding the Policy Program click here.
To join our free loyalty program, simply create an account on our website. Follow the link here.
Once you've confirmed your subscription to the program, you'll be able to collect points on all your future purchases on our website or at our Quebec City store. Other ways for you to collect the most points as quickly as possible will also be offered.
For every dollar you spend at Hooké, you'll earn 1 point.
You can exchange your points for a Hooké gift card.
500 points = $10 gift card
1000 points = $20 gift card
1500 points = $30 gift card
2000 points = $40 gift card
Your points can be redeemed as a gift card applicable to Hooké-brand clothing. You can use them on our website or at our boutique in Quebec City. Please note that all other brands are excluded from the rewards program.
Points accumulated expire twelve (12) months after their last issuance.